
Genesis 43:15

ESV So the men took this present, and they took double the money with them, and Benjamin. They arose and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph.
NIV So the men took the gifts and double the amount of silver, and Benjamin also. They hurried down to Egypt and presented themselves to Joseph.
NASB So the men took this gift, and they took double the money in their hand, and Benjamin; then they set out and went down to Egypt, and stood before Joseph.
CSB The men took this gift, double the amount of silver, and Benjamin. They immediately went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph.
NLT So the men packed Jacob’s gifts and double the money and headed off with Benjamin. They finally arrived in Egypt and presented themselves to Joseph.
KJV And the men took that present, and they took double money in their hand, and Benjamin; and rose up, and went down to Egypt, and stood before Joseph.
NKJV So the men took that present and Benjamin, and they took double money in their hand, and arose and went down to Egypt; and they stood before Joseph.

What does Genesis 43:15 mean?

The return trip to Egypt is summarized in a single, short verse. Jacob's nine older sons set out on their mission to get grain for the family, to get Simeon back, and to return home with Benjamin safe and well (Genesis 42:11–14). They bring Jacob's gift for the Egyptian ruler, money to pay for both their last purchase of grain and this one (Genesis 42:26–28), and their youngest brother Benjamin (Genesis 42:19–20).

The men now stand again before this mysterious Egyptian governor. Unknown to anyone in the group, this man is in fact Joseph (Genesis 42:8), the brother they once sold into slavery (Genesis 37:24–28). Joseph seems to have orchestrated these trials as a way of rebuking and testing his brothers, and to arrange to see his only younger brother. The moment of revelation is almost here. First, Joseph plans additional tests for his estranged family.
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