What does Genesis 46:8 mean?
Jacob is here called by his God-given name Israel (Genesis 35:10). He has arrived in Egypt to be reunited with Joseph and to survive the devastating famine in the land (Genesis 45:9–11). This and the following verses record the names and relationships of Jacob's sons and other descendants at this important moment. This group of 70 persons will grow to become a nation "as numerous as the stars" (Deuteronomy 10:22).The list begins with Jacob's firstborn son Reuben, born to his wife Leah. As apparently was the case with all of those listed, Reuben was named for the circumstances of his birth (Genesis 29:32).
Genesis 46:8–27 pauses the story of Jacob's migration to Egypt to count his direct offspring around this time. The final tally of all Israelites, not counting the wives of the sons and grandsons, is 70. The text then resumes explaining Jacob's reunion with his son, Joseph.
Genesis 46 includes three basic sections. First, Jacob and his large family begin their journey with all their possessions towards their new home in Egypt. Jacob stops in Beersheba and offers sacrifices to God. God responds by assuring Jacob He will continue to be with him and multiply his people. The narrative pauses to count the current descendants of Jacob, then resumes with Jacob's arrival in the Goshen region of Egypt. Joseph meets him there for an emotional reunion. Then Joseph prepares the family to meet Pharaoh.