What does Genesis 48:2 mean?
Jacob is ill and approaching the end of his life. Though he has expected to die for some time (Genesis 47:9) and made preparations (Genesis 47:29–31), this truly marks the last moments of his life. Joseph has arrived with his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim (Genesis 41:50–52), so Jacob can bless them, as was the custom.This verse notes that Jacob is told that Joseph has arrived. This implies several possibilities. One is that it reflects how near to death Jacob is. As one might do in a hospital room, the bedridden person is told who is coming prior to them entering. This allows Jacob to get ready. It also reflects the fact that Jacob is nearly blind (Genesis 48:10). Likewise, the text says that sitting up in bed required significant effort. In any case, Jacob sits up to interact with Joseph and his sons more appropriately.
Genesis 48:1–22 describes the blessing Jacob pronounces over Joseph's oldest two sons. Significantly, Jacob claims Joseph's two oldest sons as his own, ensuring that each will receive a full portion of his inheritance. This means Joseph's family will receive a double portion. Jacob blesses the pair with a prayer for God's blessing in their lives as he himself has experienced it.
Genesis 48 describes Jacob's deathbed blessing of Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. In a surprising move, Jacob claims Joseph's two oldest boys as his own. This makes each a full heir. The result is that Joseph's family will receive a double portion of the inheritance. Jacob prays for them to receive many of the blessings God has given to him during his long life. In another twist, Jacob gives greater blessing to the younger of his two grandsons.