What does Hebrews 2:7 mean?
Prior sections of this letter were focused on proving that Jesus, the Messiah, is not merely some angelic being. Here, the writer of Hebrews begins to show that Jesus did not come as an angel to save men, but as a man. This allowed Him to perfectly function as our sacrifice, substitute, and high priest (Hebrews 2:9–14). In the previous verse, the author began a quotation of Psalm 8.This specific verse in Hebrews is from Psalm 8:5, which points out that mankind is given honor and glory which are not offered to angels. The point seems to be that the idea of Messiah coming as a man does not make Him inferior to angels. According to the Jewish Scriptures, mankind has already been given power and honor beyond what angels are allowed. So, the idea of Jesus coming as a man, rather than as an angel, is not something which contradicts God's purposes.
In fact, as later verses will show, coming as a man is crucial to Jesus fulfilling His role as Savior.