What does Hebrews 7:5 mean?
This section of Scripture pulls together several ideas into one somewhat complex argument. The overall point is that Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18) is a greater figure than Abraham, and by extension, a greater figure than the priests of the Old Testament nation of Israel. Melchizedek received a tithe from Abraham, although Melchizedek came long before the Levitical priesthood and was not part of Abraham's family. This proves that Abraham was a lesser figure than Melchizedek, and he was well aware of it.The priests of the Old Covenant also received tithes, but they did so from their fellow Israelites. This was all done under the priesthood of Aaron, which the author will go on to discuss in more detail. Even they, however, paid a tithe to Melchizedek, in a manner of thinking, since they are descendants of Abraham (Hebrews 7:10). And so, the tithe given by Abraham to Melchizedek is more important, and more meaningful, than the one collected by the priests of Israel under the law of Moses.