What does Isaiah 1:7 mean?
The Lord has described Israel's spiritual condition (Isaiah 1:4) using the metaphor of a human body (Isaiah 1:5–6). Her sinful rebellion has made her sick from top to bottom. She walks around as everything is fine despite being wounded and bleeding.Now God uses a different metaphor to describe Israel's physical condition. Spiritually speaking, the country is desolate, as if destroyed by foreign invaders. The cities are burned, the crops are devoured, and the battles are already lost. This is Israel's spiritual condition because of the great and ongoing sin of the people.
In the physical world, this ruin of foreign invasion had not yet come to Judah. The cities thrived, and the fields were full. The people of Israel could not see past their current circumstances to the spiritual sickness all around them and the destruction that would come from it.
The picture painted by the Lord would become physical reality: Israel was later utterly defeated by her enemies (2 Kings 23—25).