What does Isaiah 17:4 mean?
Isaiah's God-given prophecy against Damascus and Syria has expanded to include the nation of the northern ten tribes of Israel (Isaiah 7:3; 1 Kings 12:16–20). The Lord wants to show His people that when they look to other nations for protection, they will share in the destruction of those other nations. He wants His people to trust Him first and above all. His people are not to put their faith in treaties or alliances or the false gods of their neighbors.The result of God's judgment against His people Israel through the Assyrians will be that their "glory" is flattened. The idea of glory here has to do with power and authority and wealth in the world. Instead of being healthy and prosperous, Israel will grow destitute as a people who cannot find enough food for themselves. Any glory that comes apart from depending on the Lord God will be exposed as false and flimsy. It will be a power that quickly vanishes in the heat of His judgment.
Isaiah 17:1–14 begins as a prophecy of the destruction of Damascus, the capital of Syria. Israel will nearly be wiped out along with it. Survivors of both nations will exist on scraps. The remnant of Israel will finally look to their Maker for help instead of praying to false idols. This remnant will experience grief and pain because they have forgotten the God of their salvation. Still, the Lord God has the power to drive away enemies like dust against a strong wind.
What begins as an oracle against Damascus becomes a description of the consequences of Israel's faithlessness As well as the Lord's ability to save them. Damascus will become a heap of ruins. Ephraim will be nearly wiped out along with it. The glory of both will be wasted away like a once healthy man starving and living on scraps. Finally, Israel will look to their Maker instead of to idols they have made with their hands. They forgot the God of their salvation, the One who can chase away the storms of the enemy nations.