What does Isaiah 26:13 mean?
Isaiah declared with great confidence that God will establish peace for Israel once more (Isaiah 26:12). Isaiah knows God has been the power behind everything Israel has ever accomplished (Psalm 44:1–3). God has won every victory over their enemies (Isaiah 26:12).Now Isaiah admits that other lords, besides the one true Lord God of Israel, have ruled over them. It's unclear if he is referring to the leaders of foreign nations who have conquered Israel in the past. Or he may be referring to false gods to which the people of Israel and Judah have willingly submitted.
Whatever is meant by the "other lords" who have ruled over Israel in the past, Isaiah makes it clear they are now mere fragments of history. Israel honors only the Lord. Only God is worthy of praise and worship.
Isaiah 26:1–15 celebrates the Lord's future victory over wickedness on the earth and looks forward to the coming of God's judgment. Isaiah longs for that judgment to come. But the prophet knows the Lord gives perfect peace to all who stay focused on trusting Him. Only the Lord God remains of all those who attempted to rule over Israel.
Chapter 26 is a song to be sung in the land of Judah during the time of the Lord's reign as king over the earth. The towering city of wickedness has been replaced by the strong city of salvation. Isaiah waits, longing for the Lord to come and judge the sinfulness of the world. The Lord will bring peace to Israel for good. Their other rulers are dead and not worthy of remembering. The Lord's discipline has caused His people to turn back to Him. The dead among them will be resurrected after the fury of His judgment.