What does Isaiah 4:5 mean?
In a time long after Isaiah wrote these words, and still in our future, as of this writing, the Messiah will reign over his redeemed people and the world from Jerusalem (Isaiah 4:2–3). During that time the Lord will cause a canopy to envelop all of Mount Zion and the surrounding area in Jerusalem. This canopy will contain a cloud by day and a fire by night, representing the presence of God and His glory with His people on earth.This cloud and fire would immediately cause every Israelite to remember the cloud and fire that the Lord provided for their people in the wilderness in the time of Moses (Exodus 13:20–22). This canopy provided direction for them and was also undeniable evidence that God was with them, that He was over and protecting them. In this future time in Israel, that cloud and fire will show God's people and everyone else in the world that He is their God and they are His people.