What does Isaiah 5:24 mean?
Isaiah has been describing the outcome for those who blatantly disregard the Lord. He has identified them as people who intentionally carry their sin around with them (Isaiah 5:18). They have mocked God's coming judgment (Isaiah 5:19) and turned good and evil upside down (Isaiah 5:20). Lastly, He has condemned those who are praised for their drinking while taking bribes to set guilty men free (Isaiah 5:23).These people will be like a plant that is so dried out, it instantly ignites all the way down to the root when it is touched by fire. The plant has become rotten to the core. It is obliterated the moment fire catches it. Those in Israel who have forsaken the Lord and His word should expect to be quickly consumed when the Lord's judgment comes.
That's exactly what the people of Judah had done. They had spat upon God's revelation to them. They had invested in glorifying and satisfying themselves. This had made their existence dangerously temporary.
Isaiah 5:8–30 contains Isaiah's dire predictions about the upcoming judgment of Israel. The first "woes" are to the greedy and the pleasure-seeking drinkers. They will go into exile and to the grave for refusing to acknowledge God. The Lord then will be exalted for restoring justice and righteousness. The next woes are to those who embrace sin and mock the coming judgment. These are also those people who have mixed evil and good and believe they know better than God. The final listed woes are those who make it a point of pride how much alcohol they can drink, as well as how they can work the system with bribes. The Lord will summon the armies of the nations to bring judgment on His people.
Isaiah 5 begins with a parable about a farmer who builds a vineyard that produces sour grapes. The owner says he will lay waste to the vineyard. Isaiah reveals the owner to be the Lord and the vineyard to be Israel. Israel's bad fruit includes the greed of the wealthy and the hedonism of the people. They will go hungry and thirsty, into exile, and the grave. The Lord will be exalted for His righteousness. Isaiah pronounces woe on the sinners, the mockers, and the unjust rulers. The Lord will summon the nations to judge His people.