What does Isaiah 9:5 mean?
The prophet Isaiah is describing a future when the Lord will return glory to Israel. He has prophesied that God's people are about to enter a period of great darkness due to their unbelief and rejection of Him (Isaiah 8:22). That darkness will not be the end of the story, though. A great light will come, and all the people will live in security and with abundance (Isaiah 9:2–3). The Lord will break the oppression of Israel's enemies (Isaiah 9:4).Now Isaiah adds that the end of that oppression will not lead to more oppression. This will bring the end of all oppression. The devices of war will be destroyed. The description he provides echoes what he wrote in chapter 2 about the kingdom of the Lord on earth:
"they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war anymore" --Isaiah 2:4.
To put it even more plainly, the Lord, reigning as king on earth, will bring lasting peace by bringing an end to war itself. Israel will rest secure and thriving, without fear of future enemies.