1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Job chapter 18

English Standard Version

2"How long will you hunt for words? Consider, and then we will speak. 3Why are we counted as cattle? Why are we stupid in your sight? 4You who tear yourself in your anger, shall the earth be forsaken for you, or the rock be removed out of its place? 5"Indeed, the light of the wicked is put out, and the flame of his fire does not shine. 6The light is dark in his tent, and his lamp above him is put out. 7His strong steps are shortened, and his own schemes throw him down. 8For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walks on its mesh. 9 A trap seizes him by the heel; a snare lays hold of him. 10A rope is hidden for him in the ground, a trap for him in the path. 11 Terrors frighten him on every side, and chase him at his heels. 12His strength is famished, and calamity is ready for his stumbling. 13It consumes the parts of his skin; the firstborn of death consumes his limbs. 14He is torn from the tent in which he trusted and is brought to the king of terrors. 15In his tent dwells that which is none of his; sulfur is scattered over his habitation. 16His roots dry up beneath, and his branches wither above. 17His memory perishes from the earth, and he has no name in the street. 18 He is thrust from light into darkness, and driven out of the world. 19He has no posterity or progeny among his people, and no survivor where he used to live. 20They of the west are appalled at his day, and horror seizes them of the east. 21Surely such are the dwellings of the unrighteous, such is the place of him who knows not God."
New International Version

New American Standard Bible

2'How long will you hunt for words? Show understanding, and then we can talk. 3Why are we regarded as animals, As stupid in your eyes? 4 You who tear yourself in your anger— Should the earth be abandoned for your sake, Or the rock moved from its place? 5'Indeed, the light of the wicked goes out, And the spark from his fire does not shine. 6The light in his tent is darkened, And his lamp goes out above him. 7His vigorous stride is shortened, And his own plan brings him down. 8For he is thrown into the net by his own feet, And he steps on the webbing. 9A snare seizes him by the heel, And a trap snaps shut on him. 10A noose for him is hidden in the ground, And a trap for him on the pathway. 11All around sudden terrors frighten him, And harass him at every step. 12His strength is famished, And disaster is ready at his side. 13 It devours parts of his skin, The firstborn of death devours his limbs. 14He is torn from the security of his tent, And they march him before the king of terrors. 15 Nothing of his dwells in his tent; Brimstone is scattered on his home. 16His roots are dried below, And his branch withers above. 17The memory of him perishes from the earth, And he has no name abroad. 18 He is driven from light into darkness, And chased from the inhabited world. 19He has no offspring or descendants among his people, Nor any survivor where he resided. 20Those in the west are appalled at his fate, And those in the east are seized with horror. 21Certainly these are the dwellings of the wicked, And this is the place of him who does not know God.'
Christian Standard Bible

New Living Translation

King James Version

New King James Version

2“How long till you put an end to words? Gain understanding, and afterward we will speak. 3Why are we counted as beasts, And regarded as stupid in your sight? 4 You who tear yourself in anger, Shall the earth be forsaken for you? Or shall the rock be removed from its place? 5“The light of the wicked indeed goes out, And the flame of his fire does not shine. 6The light is dark in his tent, And his lamp beside him is put out. 7The steps of his strength are shortened, And his own counsel casts him down. 8For he is cast into a net by his own feet, And he walks into a snare. 9The net takes him by the heel, And a snare lays hold of him. 10A noose is hidden for him on the ground, And a trap for him in the road. 11 Terrors frighten him on every side, And drive him to his feet. 12His strength is starved, And destruction is ready at his side. 13It devours patches of his skin; The firstborn of death devours his limbs. 14He is uprooted from the shelter of his tent, And they parade him before the king of terrors. 15They dwell in his tent who are none of his; Brimstone is scattered on his dwelling. 16 His roots are dried out below, And his branch withers above. 17 The memory of him perishes from the earth, And he has no name among the renowned. 18He is driven from light into darkness, And chased out of the world. 19 He has neither son nor posterity among his people, Nor any remaining in his dwellings. 20Those in the west are astonished at his day, As those in the east are frightened. 21Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, And this is the place of him who does not know God.”

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