What does John 1:41 mean?
Bringing people to Jesus seems to be Andrew's (John 1:40) default response to every problem or new development. When Jesus feeds thousands of people, it's Andrew who brings the boy with bread and fish (John 6:8–9). When some Greek men asked another disciple, Philip, about seeing Jesus, Philip told Andrew, who took Philip with him to tell Jesus (John 12:20–22).The first person Andrew introduces to Jesus is Andrew's own brother, Simon. Jesus will soon rename this man "Peter" (John 1:42; Luke 6:14). This is from an Aramaic word transliterated into Greek as Kēphas and translated into Greek as Petros, both meaning "stone." Peter proves to be an emotional, volatile man in the New Testament. It's safe to assume he already had that reputation when he met Jesus for the first time. There's divine humor in Jesus naming a volatile, emotional, unstable person "Rock."
Andrew tells Simon—Peter—that Jesus is "the Messiah." John often explains Jewish customs and words to his readers, and he translates this word as "Anointed One." Hebrew writing (Daniel 9:25) uses the word Mashiyach. In Greek, the term is translated as Christos, from which we get the English title "Christ."