John chapter 10

English Standard Version

New International Version

New American Standard Bible

Christian Standard Bible

New Living Translation

King James Version

New King James Version

What does John chapter 10 mean?

Chapter 10 continues uninterrupted from the end of chapter 9. In fact, all of chapters 7, 8, 9, and the first half of chapter 10 occur in a nearly continuous timeline. At the end of chapter 9, Jesus was debating those who objected to His giving sight to a man born blind (John 9). As this chapter opens, Jesus is still speaking to those critics and attempting to explain truth to them.

Jesus lays out three analogies in the first half of this chapter. These are all centered on shepherding, a topic with which His audience would have been familiar. These teachings are all separate. They carry slightly different symbolism and slightly different implications. Along the way, Jesus also makes the third and fourth of seven "I am" statements found in this gospel, where He stakes a claim to divinity. This chapter makes clear, yet often-disputed, statements about doctrinal questions such as salvation through means other than Jesus, if salvation can be lost, and whether the Bible contains errors.

First, Jesus points out that sheep only listen to the voice of their own specific shepherd. They won't listen to a stranger. Spiritually, this explains why men like the scribes and Pharisees don't accept Jesus: they are not part of "His" flock. In prior discussions, Jesus noted that these men are ultimately subjects of the Devil (John 8:42–47). They don't listen to the voice of God because they are part of some other flock. Unsurprisingly, Jesus' detractors don't get the point (John 10:1–6).

The second analogy is brief but carries enormous implications. Sheep pens of that era were constructed with high walls and a single narrow opening. This was the only legitimate means of entry or exit; Jesus noted this in the first analogy. To control access, the gatekeeper would stand or lay across the opening: he would physically serve as the door. Jesus claims to have that same role, spiritually. He is "the door:" the one and only means by which sheep can enter the pen and find rescue from harm. This is the third of seven times in the gospel of John where Jesus uses the unique "I am" phrasing echoing the statement made by God in Exodus 3:14. The world, like sheep, can be divided into only two groups: those "in" and those "out," as defined by "the door," which is Christ alone (John 10:7–9).

Finally, Jesus refers to Himself as the "good shepherd." This contrasts to the false religious leaders of Israel. He especially notes His willingness to die for the sake of the flock. Hired hands and employees only care for sheep until faced with personal risk. When in danger, they tend to run away. Unlike those false leaders, Jesus is willing to sacrifice Himself to save those He protects. In this comparison, Jesus once again uses the "I am" phrasing. This is the fourth time in the gospel of John where He highlights that theme. His statement also makes it evident that those who are saved by faith in Jesus are saved permanently. They cannot be lost (John 10:27–30) by any means (John 10:10–18;).

As expected (Matthew 10:34–36), these teachings cause further arguments. Still today, the permanence of true salvation and the exclusivity of Jesus are among the many points of sharp disagreement between Christianity and the world. Among the crowd listening to Jesus, some dismiss Jesus as insane, preferring their own traditions over the evidence of miracles. Others properly recognize Jesus as proven by signs that can only be divine. We are not told how the debate ends (John 10:19–21).

John's gospel then jumps ahead several months to the Feast of Dedication. This is not a mandatory feast, but Jesus chooses to attend. Modern people know this celebration as Hanukkah. While in Jerusalem, Jesus is cornered by an angry mob of religious leaders in an enclosed part of the temple grounds. They challenge Jesus to repeat His teachings, then attempt to stone Him. In response, Jesus points out that His words are in line with Scripture. He notes His miracles ought to influence how these men respond. In so doing, Jesus also makes a clear statement about the perfection of the Bible: the doctrine of inerrancy. Those appeals are ignored, again, and Jesus makes an unspecified escape (John 10:22–39).

After this, Jesus leaves the region controlled by Jerusalem's religious leaders. He returns to Perea, where John the Baptist once preached. The people there are much more receptive, thanks to John, and many believe (John 10:40–42).

This sets the stage for Jesus' most spectacular miracle: the raising of Lazarus, described in chapter 11. After this, Jesus will return to Jerusalem in the triumphal entry to deliver His last public statements before His arrest and crucifixion, as seen in chapter 12.
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