What does John 13:1 mean?
This verse previews the context of the entire chapter. Jesus' earthly life was characterized by love, and one of His last teachings involved the need for Christians to be humble and loving towards others. His care for others is also shown in the events described in these last moments prior to His betrayal and execution. Verses 1 through 3 give special insight into what Jesus knows, behind the scenes, during these final hours.Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was an expression of love for all mankind. His acts of love, and the example He showed by them, are enhanced when it comes to those who are "his own who were in the world." Christians are meant to be loving to all people, but especially so to fellow believers. Later in this passage, Jesus will point to mutual love as the definitive sign of faith used to identify Christians to the rest of the world (John 13:35).
The events of this chapter happen during the last supper. John's gospel was written well after Matthew, Mark, and Luke were established and known within the church. For that reason, John often skips over details covered in those writings. Here, again, John will focus on details based on his eyewitness experience.