What does John 15:24 mean?
This verse mirrors the statement given by Jesus in John 15:22. That context is important to avoid misinterpretation. Those who "abide" in Christ's teachings (John 15:3–5) should not be surprised when the non-believing world attacks them for it. Unbelievers do not know God, so they hate to be reminded of their sin (John 15:21). Rage and hatred are common responses when believers refuse to join non-believers in evil (1 Peter 4:4). Still, God gives enough evidence in everyone's daily experience (Romans 1:18–20) that failure to seek God is our own fault (Matthew 6:7–8).This is an even more potent point when those who reject Christ do so in the face of His Words and His followers (John 9:39–41). Jesus' point here is not that anyone who has never seen His miracles is innocent of sin. His point—shown by the context of this very passage—is that those who persecute the church are not acting in ignorance. Nor are they being rational (John 15:25). They're reacting in hatred.