What does John 19:29 mean?
What John describes here as "sour wine" may be an especially strong alcohol, or vinegar mixed with water. This may or may not be the same liquid which Jesus refused when He was first put on the cross (Matthew 27:34). Knowing He is seconds away from death (John 19:28), He would no longer have to worry about any numbing effects of the drink. Another possibility is that this unpleasant substance is being given to Jesus as a form of torment: one last sneer from His executioners.John connects this moment to Psalm 69:21, much as he saw prophecy fulfilled when soldiers gambled for Jesus' clothes (John 19:24; Psalm 22:18).
Hyssop has a spongy quality, so it might have been used to offer Jesus a drink without having to hold up the entire jar. Contrary to popular culture, crucifixion victims were not usually lifted far above the ground. The hyssop branch mentioned here was probably less than two or three feet long.
John 19:17–30 describes Jesus' unjust execution by crucifixion. The Roman governor, Pilate, ironically puts a sign on Jesus' cross proclaiming Him "King of the Jews." This angers Jewish religious leaders, but the governor refuses to take the sign down or change the wording. As Jesus calls out to John to care for His mother, Mary, soldiers gamble for what's left of His clothes. Jesus pronounces the completion of His atoning sacrifice and dies. Matthew 27:31–56, Mark 15:22–41, and Luke 23:32–49 cover this same series of events.
Pilate recognizes Jesus' innocence, but fears the mob assembled by Jewish religious leaders. He attempts to satisfy them by having Jesus viciously whipped and mocked. This only results in more cries for Jesus' death. The governor then shifts to protect his own reputation, ordering Jesus to be crucified on a charge of being "King of the Jews." John is directly present as Jesus is executed. He notes the fulfillment of several prophecies as Jesus dies. Once He is confirmed to be dead, Jesus' body is taken by two friendly members of the ruling council. They hastily bury Him in the borrowed crypt of a rich man.