What does John 3:18 mean?
According to this passage (John 3:16–17), God's love was demonstrated by sending Jesus to us. Rather than coming to judge, Jesus came to save anyone who would believe in Him. This verse emphasizes that there are only two options: life through Christ or death. Scripture offers an open, hopeful view of salvation due to God's love. Yet it also presents God as holy, and the consequences for rejecting Him are dire.According to the Bible, every person is guilty of sin (Romans 3:23). Everyone deserves to be separated from God (Romans 6:23). Those who do not believe are "condemned already," in the present tense. We have already been declared guilty (John 3:19), because we are guilty. God's love and patience cause Him to delay judgment (2 Peter 3:9), so we have an opportunity for Christ to pay our penalty for us.
The Bible clearly says we are saved by faith in Christ (Romans 10:9–10; Titus 3:5), but also that we are saved only through faith in Christ (John 14:6). Those who don't believe in Him cannot, and will not, find eternal life (John 3:36; Acts 4:12).