What does John 3:21 mean?
The Greek phrase translated as "practices the truth," or "does what is true," or "lives by the truth" is poiōn tēn alētheian. This uses a similar term, both from the same root, used to describe Jesus as the "true" Light in John 1:9. The phrase implies those who are committed to reality, fact, and honesty: all of which lead a person to Christ (Romans 1:18–20; Matthew 7:7–8). A life without Christ is meaningless, and ultimately ends in disaster (John 3:20). Hiding from Christ, the Light, is an effort to keep our evil actions hidden.In contrast, life in Christ results in our actions being approved by God. Rebirth through Christ (John 3:5) gives us meaning and purpose (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10). Those who put their effort into pleasing God don't have to be ashamed of how they've spent their time (2 Timothy 2:15). Those who want to cling to evil hide from the light, those who want to be free from evil move into it.