
John 3:25

ESV Now a discussion arose between some of John 's disciples and a Jew over purification.
NIV An argument developed between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing.
NASB Then a matter of dispute developed on the part of John’s disciples with a Jew about purification.
CSB Then a dispute arose between John’s disciples and a Jew about purification.
NLT A debate broke out between John’s disciples and a certain Jew over ceremonial cleansing.
KJV Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying.
NKJV Then there arose a dispute between some of John’s disciples and the Jews about purification.

What does John 3:25 mean?

John uses the plural term "the Jews" to refer to local religious leaders, such as the Pharisees. This argument is between followers of John the Baptist and a particular one of those leaders. The Greek term here is singular, so this is a debate with a single person. That person is unnamed, but it could be Nicodemus. He had approached Jesus alone, at night, to speak with Him about His teachings (John 3:1). Most of that discussion was about rebirth and salvation. Here, the discussion is over "purification," closely related to baptism.

The word used to refer to this "dispute" is zētēsis, which implies ideas controversy, questioning, and debate. Perhaps this leader confronted the followers of John the Baptist with Jesus' comments about baptism, or with his own interpretation. The fact that there was a debate doesn't necessarily mean that the "argument" was hostile. At the same time, the terms in older manuscripts switch from singular here to plural in the next verse (John 3:26). A possible reason would be that "they," mentioned in the next statement, means other religious leaders. If they heard about the controversy, they might have come to fan the flames. So, this incident may have turned into a deliberate attempt to inspire a rivalry between the Baptist and Jesus.

On the other hand, the "they" of verse 26 may be a reference to the followers of John the Baptist. Perhaps some were jealous of Jesus' success. In either case, the Baptist will set everyone straight.
Context Summary
John 3:22–30 describes an argument between followers of John the Baptist and a Jewish religious leader over purification. Though the passage does not name him, it's possible this man was Nicodemus; he had, who had just been discussing that topic with Jesus. The Baptist isn't upset that his followers are dwindling while Jesus attracts crowds. Instead, he makes it clear that Christ's glory was his mission, and seeing it succeed makes him happy. Rather than being selfish about our own applause, we should be happy when our efforts cause people to praise God.
Chapter Summary
John chapter 3 is one of the most important passages in the entire gospel. Many crucial ideas are explained here, including the role of Jesus as Savior. After the loud, public commotion at the temple, John transitions to a quiet, nighttime discussion. The speakers are Jesus and a Pharisee, Nicodemus, who is sincerely interested in understanding Jesus' ministry. These verses make it clear that Christ—and Christ alone—is the means of salvation for the entire world. This text also states that those who reject Jesus are rejecting God.
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