What does John 6:11 mean?
Jesus tested His disciples by asking them how to feed a massive, hungry crowd. Their responses all shared a common error: looking first to human effort. Jesus will demonstrate that human effort is valuable only after it is brought under the blessing and power of God. It is no accident that Jesus begins first by giving thanks to God, a fact specifically repeated later (John 6:23).This is the fourth of John's seven miraculous "signs" which prove Jesus' divinity.
In 2 Kings 4:42–44, the prophet Elisha miraculously divides twenty small barley loaves to feed a hundred men, with food left over afterwards. Here, Jesus performs a miracle even greater than that of Elisha. At this point, Jesus is surrounded by a crowd at least fifty times the size of the group Elisha fed. "The men"—from a Greek term referring to males only—were said to number five thousand (John 6:10). Jesus takes five barley loaves and two fish, and in return, distributes enough food to completely satisfy everyone. And there are twelve baskets of leftovers (John 6:12–13). This, in part, inspires the throng to proclaim Jesus as the Prophet foretold by Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15).