What does John 6:45 mean?
The general theme of this passage is the same as Jesus' earlier message (John 5:37–40). Jesus' quotation here is from Isaiah 54:13. The Word of God provides certain truths; those who read them have an obligation to follow truth wherever it leads (Matthew 7:7–8). Those who reject God will reject the truth, even though they've read it in His Word. Jesus makes the claim that those who truly follow the Word of God will recognize that His claims are true. The crowd demanded that they see something—an additional miracle—before they would accept the truth (John 6:30). Jesus, instead, routinely points out that one must be willing to learn the truth before they can see it (John 5:39–40; 7:17).Jesus' specific reference to the written Word of God is another clue that the conversation has already moved from the streets of Capernaum (John 6:24) into the synagogue (John 6:59). Jesus' comments here are like those He gave the Pharisees after healing the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5).