What does Judges 7:14 mean?
God is reassuring Gideon using a dream given to a Midianite soldier (Judges 7:13). The man dreamt of a small loaf of bread rolling into the camp and flattening an entire tent. Gideon overhears this while he spies on the enemy, at God's command (Judges 7:9–11). Part of that command was that Gideon would hear something to strengthen his resolve. If the meaning of the overhead dream was not obvious, the Lord provides an immediate interpretation.The other Midianite soldier replied by interpreting the dream in a blunt, supernaturally confident manner. He refers to Gideon—whose army was undoubtedly seen gathering over the last few days (Judges 6:33–35). The Midianite says Gideon, son of Joash of Israel, has been guaranteed victory by their God. This includes the defeat of all the nations camped alongside Midian, as well.
Scripture offers no explanation how a pagan soldier could have known this. It's likely God inspired those exact words without the man even knowing where they came from. We can't know for sure. What is certain is that Gideon finds this experience inspiring. He sees clear confirmation that God was with Him; He was doing exactly what He promised. This overheard conversation becomes a gift of grace to calm Gideon's fears, imbuing him with confidence before the battle.
Judges 7:1–18 begins with Gideon and his large company of Israelite volunteers setting up camp in the hills just a few miles from the Midianite camp in the valley below. God gives Gideon two tests to reduce the number of his troops until only 300 are left. God tells Gideon to spy on the Midianite camp, where he overhears a conversation which bolsters his faith. Gideon returns to his camp and prepares for the attack that night. He gives his men torches concealed in clay jars, as well as trumpets.
Gideon and his 32,000–man army of volunteer Israelites camp in the hills above the Midianite invaders in the valley. The Lord tells Gideon to reduce his troops until only 300 remain. God allows Gideon to overhear the interpretation of a Midianite dream, an event that strengthens his faith. Gideon and his 300 men take positions around the Midianite camp and blow trumpets, hold up torches, and shout battle cries. Those in the camp panic and begin attacking each other. The survivors flee toward the Jordan but are eventually cut off.