
Leviticus 7:24

ESV The fat of an animal that dies of itself and the fat of one that is torn by beasts may be put to any other use, but on no account shall you eat it.
NIV The fat of an animal found dead or torn by wild animals may be used for any other purpose, but you must not eat it.
NASB Also the fat of an animal which dies and the fat of an animal torn by animals may be put to any other use, but you certainly are not to eat it.
CSB The fat of an animal that dies naturally or is mauled by wild beasts may be used for any other purpose, but you must not eat it.
NLT The fat of an animal found dead or torn to pieces by wild animals must never be eaten, though it may be used for any other purpose.
KJV And the fat of the beast that dieth of itself, and the fat of that which is torn with beasts, may be used in any other use: but ye shall in no wise eat of it.
NKJV And the fat of an animal that dies naturally, and the fat of what is torn by wild beasts, may be used in any other way; but you shall by no means eat it.

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