What does Luke 1:37 mean?
This simple statement is a beautiful summary of the hope brought by faith in God. Changed lives, victory in hard circumstances, overcoming sin, even eternal salvation, are all possible through a relationship with Jesus Christ (John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:9–11; Philippians 4:12–13; Hebrews 5:9).In its most immediate context, these words are a comfort to Mary, the soon-to-be-mother of Jesus Christ. The angel Gabriel has just explained her role in Messiah's earthly ministry (Luke 1:26–27; 31–33). He has also explained that though she is still a virgin, she will conceive this Child through a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). To emphasize the way God provides the means to fulfill His promises, Gabriel mentions that Mary's relative, Elizabeth, is expecting though she is very old (Luke 1:36). This, as well, was news carried by Gabriel earlier in this chapter (Luke 1:13).
Context, of course, also includes the rest of Scripture, reason, language, and so forth. God's omnipotence is real (Revelation 11:17). Anything which can be done is within His ability (Numbers 11:23). No force or being can override His strength (Job 42:2). His power alone created everything which is or will ever be (Genesis 1:1; Revelation 21:5). At the same time, Gabriel's statement is not meant in some shallow, irrational sense. God cannot contradict His own perfect nature—not because it would be too difficult, but because the concept is meaningless. Like a "square circle" or a "married bachelor," an "imperfect God" does not even reach the level of "impossible," because the idea itself is nonsense.
That "nothing" is impossible for God is true; all things which power can accomplish can be accomplished by God. Other than violating His own goodness, existence, and uniqueness, that includes every "actual" thing we could imagine.
Mary's response to this news will be faithful, trusting submission (Luke 1:38).