What does Luke 12:17 mean?
Jesus is telling a crowd a parable about a man who valued his earthly riches more than his heavenly Father. He was already wealthy when his field produced a bumper crop. He now needs to decide what to do with it (Luke 12:15–16). The barns he owns are already full. Instead of giving this new harvest to the poor or in some other way using it for the benefit of God's kingdom, he decides to stockpile all he has and retire (Luke 12:18–19).Jesus lists several things wrong with this plan of action. The farmer is focused on his possessions in this world, not the kingdom the Father promises to those who worship Him. He doesn't realize God has blessed him so he can bless others (Hebrews 13:16; 1 John 3:17). And he doesn't understand that the job of a faithful God-follower is not about accumulating wealth and retiring early. It's a life of servitude in God's kingdom, responsibility with God's possessions, and godly leadership over those in his care (Luke 12:32–48).
The man's sin is not in being wealthy. Nor is it because he has stored his grain (Proverbs 6:6–8). But Jesus defines the rich man's attitude as "covetous" (Luke 12:15). The term in this context is more like "avarice." He wants more than he is due. His greed is insatiable. Paul equates such desire with idolatry (Colossians 3:5). This man has put his hope in his treasure but has ignored his relationship with God (Luke 12:21; 1 Timothy 6:17).
He doesn't know that he will soon die. His harvest will mean nothing to him. He did not value his eternal life, and he will reap the consequences of that negligence (Luke 12:20–21). This is not to be the way of Jesus' disciples (Luke 12:31).