What does Luke 13:12 mean?
It is the Sabbath in the synagogue and the synagogue leader has asked Jesus to teach (Luke 13:10). The custom is that the chosen speaker reads from the Hebrew Scriptures then explains the passage. Most quote other rabbis or scribes to authenticate their interpretation of the text. Jesus, however, "taught them as one who had authority" (Mark 1:22). He doesn't need human affirmation to express the significance of His Father's Word.While Jesus is speaking, He notices a woman bent over. A demon has kept her crippled for eighteen years. Any other rabbi would have continued teaching; a disabled woman is not worth their time. In fact, they would think she's cursed by God for her sins (Luke 13:11; John 9:1–3). Jesus is not like other rabbis, of course. He stops His teaching and calls the woman to Him. And if the scandal of a rabbi speaking to a cursed woman isn't enough, He touches her and heals her.
The synagogue leader has many reasons to get indignant, but he focuses on the fact that Jesus "worked" on the Sabbath. He can't call out his esteemed guest speaker, however, so he scolds the crowd, telling them they should not seek healing on the Sabbath (Luke 13:14).
We don't know what passage Jesus is teaching on, but the synagogue leader's reaction is the exact opposite of the message of the Old Testament: God longs to bless, comfort, and restore His people, and He will do so if they come to Him. Even on the Sabbath, the day of rest (Luke 13:16; Mark 2:27).
Luke 13:10–17 begins the next section (Luke 13:10–35) with a Sabbath miracle. The section continues with teaching about salvation and the kingdom of God—a pattern mirrored in Luke 14:1—15:32. While teaching in the synagogue, Jesus sees and heals a woman oppressed by a crippling demon. The synagogue leader turns on the people seeking healing. Jesus points out that anyone there would help their animal on the Sabbath; why can't He help a daughter of Abraham? The Gospels contain many accounts of Jesus healing on the Sabbath, but this one is unique to Luke.
Jesus uses real-world examples to show that tragedy and death can come to anyone, even the righteous. No one should delay in reconciling to God; time is running out. Jesus heals a woman in the synagogue, on the Sabbath, triggering an angry response. Jesus scolds the synagogue leader, then preaches about the inevitable spread of the gospel around the entire world. However, He also notes that most people will reject this message, including the people of Israel.