What does Luke 22:26 mean?
It's the Passover meal: the Last Supper. Jesus has given the bread and the wine, inaugurating the new covenant. He then warns the disciples that one of them will betray Him. Disturbed, they discuss who it could be, even doubting themselves (Luke 22:14–23; Mark 14:19).But now the disciples are arguing—again—over who is the greatest. Some sources say this is a common thing for students to do. Jesus doesn't treat it as harmless posturing; He wants to go deeper. He tells them to stop acting like abusive Gentile "benefactors" who lord over people in return for public accolades. Instead, they are to be servants (Luke 22:24–27).
In John, however, He gives an object lesson. He removes His cloak, ties a towel around His waist, and washes the disciples' feet (John 13:3–5). He then gives an impassioned explanation: He is their Teacher and Lord, and yet He serves. They are to follow His example by dedicating their lives not just to spreading His message but to doing so with a servant heart. If they do such things, they will be blessed (John 13:12–17).
In the chiasm—the mirror-like structure—of this chapter, the core of the message is in two parts. Luke 22:24–25 describes the worldly leader: the one who longs to be the "greatest" and acts like a Gentile. Luke 22:26–30 describes the Christlike leader: one who sacrifices for those in his charge. In return, God will assign the servant-leader greater authority.