Luke 22:51

ESV But Jesus said, "No more of this!" And he touched his ear and healed him.
NIV But Jesus answered, "No more of this!" And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.
NASB But Jesus responded and said, 'Stop! No more of this.' And He touched his ear and healed him.
CSB But Jesus responded, "No more of this!" And touching his ear, he healed him.
NLT But Jesus said, 'No more of this.' And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.
KJV And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.
NKJV But Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this.” And He touched his ear and healed him.

What does Luke 22:51 mean?

As a mob of guards and servants grab Jesus to arrest Him, Peter tries to defend his teacher (Luke 22:49–50). He draws his sword and swings, catching the ear of one of the servants: Malchus (John 18:10). The momentum of his charge is immediately stilled when Jesus tells him to put away his sword (Matthew 26:52). Christ even goes further, healing the maimed man while scolding Peter.

Matthew more thoroughly describes what Jesus is thinking:
"Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?" (Matthew 26:52–54)
Jesus and Peter have had this conversation before:
From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, "Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you." But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man." (Matthew 16:21–23)
Jesus has invested much time teaching the disciples that the kingdom of God is near, in their midst. He's told them that when He comes into His kingdom, they will sit on thrones and judge Israel (Luke 22:28–30). It's difficult to wait for God's timing. Peter is trying to show his loyalty to Jesus. He wants to prove he will not deny Him as Jesus warned. Attacking this group of soldiers might lead Peter to the imprisonment or death that he promised to face (Luke 22:31–33).

Jesus doesn't want a defender, though. He doesn't need one. He wants followers who will listen to Him, have faith in Him, and do His will. Peter falls into the temptation of grasping for power; soon, he will fall into the temptation of self-preservation. Surrounded by Malchus's friends and relatives, Peter will deny Jesus. By healing Malchus, Jesus ensures Peter will not have to face jail or death—just his own shame (Luke 22:54–62).

Interestingly, none of the supernatural signs Jesus shows during His arrest result in any of the aggressors changing their minds (John 18:6, 10–11).
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