Luke 24:14

ESV and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened.
NIV They were talking with each other about everything that had happened.
NASB And they were talking with each other about all these things which had taken place.
CSB Together they were discussing everything that had taken place.
NLT As they walked along they were talking about everything that had happened.
KJV And they talked together of all these things which had happened.
NKJV And they talked together of all these things which had happened.

What does Luke 24:14 mean?

Two men, disciples of Jesus, finally have the chance to leave Jerusalem. They had come for the Passover and stayed when the Romans crucified Jesus thanks to the Jewish Sanhedrin's manipulations. The men, as well as several other disciples, hid in a locked room for fear of the Jewish leaders. Now that the Sabbath is over and the sun has risen, they can leave (Luke 24:13; John 20:19).

As they travel, they discuss what they've witnessed. They thought Jesus was the Messiah who was going to save Israel from the Romans—bring back God's favor to His chosen people. To watch Him hang from a cross was both confusing and horrific. His power to heal and His wise words were proof that He had come from God. How could He be destroyed by the leaders of the people He'd come to save (Luke 24:19–20)?

But then, that morning, the women disciples went to the tomb and found it empty. Where's His body? Who stole it? What did the women mean when they claimed angels appeared and told them that Jesus had risen from the dead? And then Peter and John went to the tomb and found it empty, as well (Luke 24:21–24; John 20:1–10).

The two men can't make sense of it. Jesus raised people from the dead, but He was crucified. How could He come back to life?
Context Summary
Luke 24:13–27 contains a meeting between Jesus and two disciples, along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. They don't recognize Him. Yet He lets them explain what they've experienced the last three days. When they finish, He points out their foolishness and shows them how the crucifixion and resurrection were prophesied in the Old Testament. When they invite Jesus for a meal, He reveals Himself and disappears. The two men return to Jerusalem to tell the larger group of disciples (Luke 24:28–35). Mark 16:12–13 gives a synopsis, but are likely not part of the original manuscript of Mark.
Chapter Summary
After Jesus is executed and buried (Luke 23:52–53), the women who had followed Him from Galilee come to improve His burial condition. They find an open, empty tomb and angels. The disciples are informed. Two of them spend time speaking with a stranger while walking, only to realize it was Jesus Himself. Jesus appears to His followers, eating fish and explaining how His role as Messiah was predicted in Scripture. Jesus then ascends to heaven while His disciples worship.
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