What does Malachi 3:7 mean?
This verse begins the last of Malachi's three major messages. Unfortunately, Israel has a long track record of disobeying God, despite all of His blessings (Deuteronomy 31:27–29). At the time Malachi delivered this prophecy, Israel was at the end of a particularly long decline. Hosea depicts Israel as prone to error, but repentant. Ezekiel shows Israel to be blatantly disobedient and unrepentant. Malachi now sees Israel as so numb and distant from God that they hardly even recognize their own mistakes.Verse 6 was an explicit statement of God's faithfulness, despite Israel's sin (Deuteronomy 4:30–31). Here, God is calling on Israel to be faithful, so that they can experience the blessings of His covenant with them. As with the other accusations in Malachi's prophecy, Israel replies with doubt and disbelief. Their response does not mean, "what should we do," but rather means, "why would we need to come back?" In other words, they question whether they have any problems to fix in the first place. Israel has drifted so far from God that they don't even recognize that they've fallen away.