What does Malachi 4:1 mean?
Fire is often used a symbol of judgment, since flames will separate materials through destruction. Only those substances which can endure the flames survive, the rest are consumed. Malachi 3:2–4 indicates that the "purified" priesthood will survive judgment. This verse makes a point of describing this impending reckoning as an "oven," or a "furnace." This is meant to emphasize the purpose of the fire. This is a fire (judgment) intended for a very specific purpose, and under careful control. Such fires are also noted for being extremely hot, much hotter than a random or open fire would be.This verse specifically mentions both arrogance and wickedness as targets of God's wrath. In the context of Malachi's prophecy, this is a pointed warning. Israel's attitude thus far has been both disobedient and proud. They have insulted God with inferior offerings (Malachi 1:8), sneered at His commands (Malachi 1:13), corrupted His people (Malachi 2:11), broken their vows (Malachi 2:14), and then had the nerve to ask, "where is the God of justice?" (Malachi 2:17) as if they could judge Him. Those who insist on ignoring God, and on disobeying Him, will be completely removed from the kingdom of God.