What does Matthew 21:24 mean?
This exchange between Jesus and some religious leaders of Israel was not unusual in its form. Jewish rabbis loved to debate, posing questions to each other, answering questions with questions, and making witty or pointed remarks. They liked to add a competitive edge to their discussions of the law and theology. The pattern of counter-questions and challenges was, itself, nothing new.Though the conversational style seemed familiar, the stakes were far higher than usual. They had asked by whose authority Christ healed and taught in the temple (Matthew 21:23). Soon, these men will use their authority to condemn Him and hand Him over to the Romans for execution (Matthew 17:22–23). Jesus is fully aware of their motives, yet He responds with deadly seriousness. He would be raised on the third day, despite their efforts—they, however, were facing the eternal judgment of God (John 3:36).
Instead of answering their question directly, Jesus followed His normal pattern and asked one of His own. This time, though, He agrees to answer if they will answer His question. His brilliant request in the following verse will silence them for now (Matthew 21:25). The parables Jesus provides immediately afterwards, along with His other statements, answer the original question, indicating that Jesus acts by the authority of God (John 5:19–24).