Matthew 26:21

ESV And as they were eating, he said, "Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me."
NIV And while they were eating, he said, "Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me."
NASB And as they were eating, He said, 'Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me.'
CSB While they were eating, he said, "Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me."
NLT While they were eating, he said, 'I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me.'
KJV And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.
NKJV Now as they were eating, He said, “Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.”

What does Matthew 26:21 mean?

Jesus and His twelve disciples are gathered in the upper room of a house (Matthew 26:17–19). They are all reclining around a low table while sitting on cushions and eating the Passover meal together (Matthew 26:20). At some point during the meal, Jesus makes an announcement that changes the course of the discussion for the rest of the dinner. Jesus declares with absolute certainty that one of these close companions will become a traitor.

Matthew has already revealed that Judas Iscariot has agreed to turn Jesus over to the chief priests for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14–16). Matthew has not described Judas' other motives. We know from John that Judas has already been stealing from the group moneybag (John 12:6). These perspectives are all hindsight: at the time of this meal, Jesus is the only one who knows which person is false. It will not be until later that Matthew, John, and the rest learn the tragic details.

While Jesus is aware, the rest of the company has no idea that Judas is the betrayer. They are accustomed to hearing difficult pronouncements from Jesus. In fact, they each express fear that they will be the one to fall, despite having no plan to wrong Jesus in any way (Matthew 26:22).
Context Summary
Matthew 26:17–35 begins with locating the room which will be used for the Passover meal. While they are eating, Jesus announces that one of His closest disciples will become a traitor. Judas discovers that Jesus knows it is him. Jesus introduces the concept of bread and wine as symbols of His sacrificial body and blood. After the meal, Jesus tells the disciples they will fall away that night and that Peter will deny Him three times. They insist that will not happen. Mark 14:10–31, Luke 22:3–23, Luke 22:31–34, and John 13:21–38 feature these events, as well.
Chapter Summary
The Jewish religious leaders further their plots to arrest and kill Jesus, finding a willing traitor in Judas Iscariot. A woman anoints Christ with oil during a dinner at Bethany. Next, Jesus and the disciples hold the Passover meal in an upper room where Jesus predicts His arrests and introduces the sacrament of communion. Then Jesus prays in unimaginable agony in the garden of Gethsemane before being betrayed by Judas and captured. The disciples scatter. Before the high priest, Jesus explicitly claims to be divine. They convict Him of blasphemy and sentence Him to death. As this happens, Peter denies knowing Jesus and runs away in shame.
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