What does Philippians 2:19 mean?
The third section of this chapter begins with a transition to Paul's associate Timothy. Timothy was with Paul at this time, assisting with the writing of this very letter (Philippians 1:1). Paul planned to send him to Philippi in the near future. However, this was not intended as a one-way trip. Paul's expectation to receive good news as a result of this visit meant he intended Timothy to then return with news of their situation.The timing of Timothy's trip would be dependent upon Paul's trial in Rome (Philippians 2:23). This note helps in the dating of this letter. Since Paul was in Rome two full years (Acts 28:30) and was brought to Rome about AD 60, then this letter was written approximately AD 62. This note also reveals something of Paul's timeline of ministry. He had an anticipated trial in 62 and later wrote 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus, with details of later ministry and a second Roman imprisonment. Whether Paul traveled to Philippi as he had hoped (Philippians 2:24) is uncertain, though certainly could have taken place.