What does Philippians 2:5 mean?
This verse serves to set up the poetic description of verses 6–11. The mind Paul refers to is the focus of Christ's life, which is humility. Paul clearly feels this is something the Philippian believers have, or at least have access to, as Christians. The attitude of a believer is to resemble the attitude of Christ. This is made clear in the verses to follow.In the upcoming passage, Paul will describe how Christ, though God, took the form of a servant, was born human, lived obediently, and died innocently on a cross (Philippians 2:6–8). His humility led to being exalted or lifted up (Philippians 2:9). In a similar way, believers are to live humbly after the example of Jesus. Doing so will please God, and result in our eternal benefit. Paul's focus on the "mind" is clear here and elsewhere in this letter. The Philippians were to have one mind (Philippians 1:27; 2:2). They were not to set their minds on earthly things (Philippians 3:19). In addition, the peace of God would guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). The mind that follows Christ produces a life that obeys Christ.