What does Proverbs 1:1 mean?
This verse specifically identifies Solomon, David's son and legitimate heir to the throne, as the author of the book of Proverbs. This is important because of God's promise to David, found in 2 Samuel 7:11–16. Through Nathan the prophet, God made three promises to David. First, that his son, Solomon, would build the Temple of God (2 Samuel 7:13). Second, that his son would turn away from Him, but that God would discipline him as a father and not remove His love from him (2 Samuel 7:14–15). And third, that David's house would be established forever (2 Samuel 7:16). This final promise is a Messianic prophecy, but is still a very important part of Solomon's lineage.Solomon was given incredible intelligence and wisdom by God (1 Kings 3:1–15; 2 Chronicles 1:7–13). Unfortunately, though wisdom is the capacity to do right, Solomon didn't always choose correctly. The book of Ecclesiastes details some of his experiences, and his discovery that God's ways really are the best ways after all.