What does Proverbs 11:8 mean?
Once again, Solomon contrasts the way righteous and wicked persons deal with life's troubles. This uses the typical style of a "proverb," which is a general case, common sense statement. Here, the typical pattern is that a moral life generally keeps a person out of trouble, while a sinful life often brings on terrible consequences. Obedience to God's commands, in particular (Proverbs 1:7), helps a godly person avoid danger. Those who ignore this wisdom move straight towards their own ruin.The book of Esther illustrates this truth. Mordecai, a righteous Jew, was delivered from the gallows wicked Haman had constructed for him, but Haman was hanged there (Esther 9:24–25). A wicked lifestyle leads to trouble. By defiling the body with drugs and illicit sex, a person experiences poor health. By committing crime, a person courts trouble with the law, and is likely to end up behind bars. By violating God's command not to commit adultery, a person will encounter marital problems and may experience public disgrace. It is always wise to obey God and live under the smile of His approval.