What does Proverbs 21:6 mean?
Since the world is a corrupt place (2 Peter 1:4), it's possible to gain temporary wealth through dishonest means. But those who ignore God's goodness and seek money, instead, are headed for terrible disaster (Proverbs 15:27). That consequence often comes in this life, either by legal ramifications or revenge from those who've been cheated. But it will certainly come in eternity; God judges those who reject Him in favor of wealth (Proverbs 10:2). One way or another, sin leads to destruction (Proverbs 21:7).Some lie to gain wealth, but that pursuit is futile. Riches can only last so long as earthly life (Luke 12:19–20). Contemporary history is full of stories about those who used deceit to steal from victims. Crooked salesmen, dishonest stockbrokers, and telephone scammers are among the typical examples given of those who use dishonesty to make a living. Regardless of the exact nature of the sin, anyone who lives by theft will pay a bitter price for the crimes. Psalm 68:2 predicts the judgment wicked people face. This verse says, "As smoke is driven away, so you shall drive them [the wicked] away; as wax melts before fire, so the wicked shall perish before God." The idea of dishonest people being caught in the snare of death may suggest their lives are in jeopardy. Those whom they swindle may take revenge by killing the swindlers. Or perhaps the idea suggests the swindlers put themselves in line for divine judgment. Trying to get rich by deceiving others is a dangerous pursuit.
Proverbs 21:1–16 continues Solomon's wise observations (Proverbs 10:1) by acknowledging the Lord's control of kings. He also mentions what the Lord despises: pride, love of money, violence, the conduct of the wicked, the withholding of charity, bribery, and apostasy. On the other hand, he commends righteousness and justice, pure conduct, wise acceptance of instruction, and charity.
This chapter begins and ends with a declaration of God's sovereignty. He alone judges the heart; the Lord considers intentions just as important as physical actions. Other comments include statements about unpleasant spouses, proper perspectives on wealth, work ethic, and the essential nature of godly wisdom. Human wisdom is no match for the sovereign Lord, who alone is ultimately responsible for victory in battle.