What does Proverbs 30:6 mean?
Agur (Proverbs 30:1) has expressed the limits of his own understanding (Proverbs 30:1–4) and pointed to God's written Word as the ultimate source of truth (Proverbs 30:5). If Scripture is the Word of God, trying to modify those words means overriding the Lord's own message. It is wrong to add human speculation to what God has said. No one can improve on God's Word. It does not need to be amended. It should be believed and obeyed! The Lord told Joshua: "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it" (Joshua 1:8).Agur's caution here is relatively mild. Those who warp God's Word can anticipate His rebuke and correction, as well as being outed as liars. In the New Testament, the apostle John provides a more dire notice: "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book" (Revelation 22:18).
What we see in nature and experience is meant to point us towards God (Romans 1:18–20; Psalm 19:1). However, only the influence of the Holy Spirit can bring us to full understanding of truth (1 Corinthians 2:14). We are meant to seek more about God based on what we see in everyday life (Matthew 7:7–8). Where we seek that information is key: it is imperative to ground knowledge of God and His will from His Word, not from the opinions or preferences of man.
Proverbs 30:5–14 continues the "oracle" attributed to Agur. He begins by praising God's Word as true. He warns against adding to what God says. Agur then prays asking for God's protection from certain spiritual errors. He then begins making wise observations about life and certain kinds of bad behavior. Several comments in this passage include the phrase "there are those," commenting on various common sins. Agur's humility and desire for honesty shine through in this passage of Scripture.
This chapter contains the teachings of Agur, who is only known through this passage. Humility and a sense of one's own limitations are key themes in this section. Agur prays for God's providence and warns about the sins of arrogance, greed, and rebelliousness. He marvels at how the ungodly can sin without care, not realizing their fate. He then notes the way some insignificant animals accomplish great things and comments on the effects of confidence. The chapter ends with a reminder that stirring up anger leads to trouble.