What does Psalm 105:9 mean?
Please see our chapter commentary on Psalm 105, verse-level content coming soon!Psalm 105:1–11 introduces a reason for Israel to praise the Lord. The psalmist briefly summarizes Israel's history: they were established through Abraham, and those promises were passed down to Isaac and Jacob. This included a guarantee that Israel would one day possess the Promised Land (Genesis 17:7–8). The rest of this psalm adds details to how the Lord made good on His assurances.
This song celebrates God's faithfulness as demonstrated in the history of the nation of Israel. God made promises to Abraham, which were carried along to his descendants through Isaac and Jacob. One of Jacob's sons, Joseph, would rise from slavery in Egypt to become the nation's governor. Israel moved into Egypt under Joseph's protection but fell into slavery. Then God sent Moses and a series of tremendous plagues to break Israel's slavery. God provided protection and food for the people in the wilderness and eventually brought them to the Promised Land. For this, the Lord ought to be worshipped.