What does Psalm 109:21 mean?
Please see our chapter commentary on Psalm 109, verse-level content coming soon!Psalm 109:21–31 is the third section of this "imprecatory" psalm: a song begging the Lord to deliver His wrath on an enemy. The first section noted the sins of enemies. The second was a list of misfortunes. Here, the psalmist, presumably David, emphasizes how he suffers at his enemies' hands. He calls on God to provide clear and obvious rescue, turning their own wickedness against them.
The psalmist, probably David, calls on the Lord for help. He is under siege in the form of lies, hatred, and slander. Though David has shown them love, they respond with attacks. He prays that God would deliver punishment to these enemies. David's requests are harsh and even include the families of these opponents. Ultimately, David trusts God to provide rescue. He hopes that it will be clear to all that it was the Lord who rescued Him.