What does Psalm 115:15 mean?
Please see our chapter commentary on Psalm 115; verse-level content coming soon!Psalm 115:9–15 calls on the people of Israel to put all their trust and faith in the Lord God. Aaron was Moses' brother (Exodus 4:14) and his family line were the priests of the Old Testament system (Exodus 29:44–46). God's faithfulness so far to Israel is a reason for confidence now. Those who acknowledge God (Proverbs 1:7) have assurances of His blessing, someday.
Psalm 115 turns all praise and credit away from the people of Israel and gives it entirely to God. Pagan nations worshipped statues and objects. They might have ridiculed Israel's worship of an invisible deity. Yet their own idols were unthinking, unmoving, silent fakes. They were shaped like men but couldn't even do the things ordinary men could do. Israel should maintain trust in the Lord, who chose them as His people and made a covenant with them. The psalmist anticipates a long, productive life of worship because of God's protection.