What does Psalm 125:4 mean?
In this psalm, the writer has encouraged those who feel the pressures of an ungodly world. This could be interpreted as coming in the form of an oppressive government weighing on Israel. Or it may be from wicked culture tempting believers to turn from the Lord. In either case, God offers spiritual protection for those who choose to follow Him (Psalm 125:1–2). Evil governments cannot last forever (Psalm 125:3; Revelation 20:4) and God always offers a way to obey Him without sinning (1 Corinthians 10:13).Now the writer pleads with God to reward those who obey Him. This does not mean those who are morally perfect (Romans 3:23). Those who are "upright in their hearts" are those who sincerely submit to the Lord and His will (Proverbs 1:7; Psalm 16:1; 25:8). God never promises to deflect all danger or sorrow while we live in this fallen world (John 16:33). Yet those who obey Him are at much less risk of suffering the consequences tied to sin (Proverbs 3:5–8; 8:35–36; 14:12). It is also good for believers to ask for God's blessing. Twice, Scripture records Nehemiah praying that the Lord will remember him and send good things (Nehemiah 5:19; 13:31). Jesus taught His followers to expect good things from their heavenly Father (Luke 11:13).
The writer of this psalm may have lived around Nehemiah's time, when exiled Jews returned to Jerusalem (Ezra 2:1). During that process, the nation experienced ridicule and threats from enemy nations (Nehemiah 4:1–4).