
Psalm 136:11

ESV and brought Israel out from among them, for his steadfast love endures forever;
NIV and brought Israel out from among them His love endures forever.
NASB And brought Israel out from their midst, For His faithfulness is everlasting,
CSB and brought Israel out from among them His faithful love endures forever.
NLT He brought Israel out of Egypt. His faithful love endures forever.
KJV And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever:
NKJV And brought out Israel from among them, For His mercy endures forever;

What does Psalm 136:11 mean?

Please see our chapter commentary on Psalm 136; verse-level content coming soon!
Context Summary
Psalm 136:10–16 focuses on the exodus from Egypt. There, God used powerful miracles to prove Himself and break Egyptian power (Exodus 3:20; 12:41). The signature sign was the death of Egypt's firstborn (Exodus 12:29–30). The Lord protected the people from a vengeful Egyptian army at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:27–29). As Israel traveled in the wilderness, He provided them with food and water (Exodus 16:35; 17:6). Each feat is followed by a repeated reference to God's constant and eternal love.
Chapter Summary
Each verse in this psalm ends with a declaration that God's love is loyal and unending. The song praises God for His goodness, sovereignty, power, creation, rescue of Israel, empowerment of His people, mercy, sustaining power, and role as "the God of heaven." The song is often labeled "The Great Hallel" because of this enthusiastic worship.
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