What does Psalm 149:2 mean?
This verse expresses the joy which should accompany praise to God. The psalmist tells the people of Israel to celebrate their relationship to the Creator (Genesis 1:1). Zion is another name for the city of Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:7; 1 Kings 8:1), the capital of the nation of Israel. The name Israel was given to Jacob (Genesis 32:28) and is used to refer to the tribes descending from his sons (Genesis 35:23–26). God's intent was that Israel would see Him as their King (1 Samuel 8:6–7; 12:12).Psalm 95:6 presents a similar encouragement, "Oh come, let us wor-ship and bow down; let us kneel before the LLord, our Maker!" Psalm 139 recog-nizes the Lord as the Creator of human beings and cites this creative act as a reason to praise Him (Psalm 139:13–14). The Lord is also the King who reigns now and throughout eternity (Revelation 15:1–4).