What does Psalm 149:5 mean?
Prior verses called on the people of Israel to worship the Lord with singing, dancing, and music (Psalm 149:1–3). Here, the description mentions those who are "godly" or "faithful" (Psalm 86:2). Those who revere the Lord (Proverbs 1:7) and follow His leadership (Psalm 25:4) have ample reason to celebrate (Psalm 128:1). In this context, the psalmist assumes that the people of Israel fit this description. God blessed Israel with His special revelations (Psalm 147:19–20) and guidance (Romans 9:4–5). These benefits should result in praise. In fact, they should be a source of constant joy. Even when a believer is at rest—literally "on their beds"—they ought to re-flect this sense of grateful worship.Christians have even greater reason for this level of joy: a call to proclaim the gospel and anticipation of eternity with the Lord (Colossians 1:27). Knowing Christ will appear to fulfill our hope of glory ought to inspire joy (Colossians 3:4).