What does Psalm 19:5 mean?
In this verse David compares the radiance of the sun to that of a man who emerges from his home on his wedding day. He is full of joy and handsomely arrayed as he goes to his fiancée's home to claim her as his bride. He also compares the sun to a strong man, probably a well-conditioned athlete, who runs a prescribed course.The similes accurately describe our earthly observation of the brilliant sun as it rises in the east in the morning, runs its course, and sets in the west in the evening. Some see Jesus in these illustrations. He came from his home in heaven to earth to claim His bride, the church, and like a strong man finished His prescribed course by way of the cross and the open tomb and then returned to heaven. Interestingly, Malachi 4:2 calls him "the sun of righteousness." Jesus, the light of the world, came into the world, but the world rejected Him because "people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil" (John 3:19).
Psalm 19:1–6 focuses on creation as a means by which God reveals Himself to mankind. The heavens and the sky offer testimony about God both night and day. This revelation reaches everyone, just as the sun in its strength appears daily and reaches everywhere. This establishes, in part, the idea that all people have ample evidence telling them that God exists.
David refers to the details of creation as evidence for God's power and design. The appearance and function of nature are evidence of God's majesty. The second half of this psalm also celebrates God's revelation, but in the form of His Word. The law, precepts, and commandments of God are hailed for their perfection and benefit.