What does Psalm 21:2 mean?
In Psalm 20:4 the congregation prayed for the Lord to grant David his heart's desire. His heart's desire was victory over his enemy in an upcoming battle. Now, the congregation thanks the Lord for giving David his heart's desire. He had gained the victory over the enemy.When the heart's desire aligns with the Lord's will, the Lord answers prayer and causes the heart to rejoice. We know from 2 Samuel chapter 7 that the Lord had plans for David. He promised to give David rest from all his enemies (2 Samuel 7:11) and to give him an everlasting kingdom (2 Samuel 7:16). If we pray for things that cater to sinful desires, the Lord will not hear us, but if we trust in the Lord and delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:3–4). Jesus instructed us to ask of the Father in His name (John 16:23). He promised, "Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:24).
The term transliterated into English as "selah" is extraordinarily difficult to translate. Scholars think it might be related to terms implying a rest, or to praise, or even to a musical interlude. The word appears often in the Psalms, but is also used three times by the prophet Habakkuk (Habakkuk 3:3, 9, 13). Most likely, it's something inserted in the same style as modern writers might include an "amen!" or "hallelujah!" in between lines of a song or poem.
Psalm 21:1–7, much like the first part of Psalm 20, records the praise David and the congregation offer to the Lord for granting David victory over his enemy. This section precedes the congregation's confidence in what the Lord will do through David. Second Samuel 7:1–17 provides a background to these verses by reporting the covenant God made with David. Part of the covenant was an assurance that God would subdue David's enemies.
Psalm 21 opens and closes with praise to the Lord for the strength He gave David and his army for gaining a victory over the enemy. In verses 1–7 David and the people extol God for answering their prayer and for giving David rich blessings. They rejoice in knowing the Lord is present, and they express their trust in the Lord. They feel safe knowing the Lord's love is unfailing. The people of the congregation voice their assurance that King David will defeat his enemies. David's enemies may plan evil and devise mischief against him, but they will not succeed. David will rout them, and his arrows will strike them. The closing verse of Psalm 21 is a prayer by David and the congregation—it is also a pledge to sing and praise the Lord God for His power.