What does Psalm 44:6 mean?
This psalm started with remembrance of Israel's victories in generations past (Psalm 44:1–3). Next, the writer clearly states his understanding that God—not man—is the ultimate source of victory. Israel's success, and even his own achievements, come only by the power of the Lord (Psalm 44:4–5). This verse expresses humility: the person carrying weapons understands their fate is in God's hands (Psalm 44:7).Facing life's battles with confidence is helpful, but not when hope is placed in something unreliable. Resources can be used up. Riches cannot keep debilitating illness at bay. Physical strength weakens with age. Human will, alone, cannot resist all temptation (Romans 3:23). Nor can self-confidence withstand the Devil's assaults on a believer's spirituality. The disciple Peter was overly confident when he boasted he would never fall away from Jesus (Matthew 26:33). Very soon, however, Peter let Jesus down. He fell asleep in the garden of Gethsemane after the Lord had told him and two other disciples to watch with Him (Matthew 26:36–46). Later, Peter denied even knowing his Savior (Matthew 26:69–75).
This passage sets conditions for the psalmist's complaint: that God has chosen not to give Israel victory in a recent battle (Psalm 44:9).